(doubled over laughing)Hey its emma ag-again(cracks up, wipes a fake tear out from under her eye) just... just give me a second(her, Fang, and Dylan start literally rolling on the floor laughing)
Dylan:(gets a little a hold of himself)oh my gosh. go to the link below(starts cracking up and can't finish)
Fang:(says between laughing)start at 44:46(starts cracking up, hits Emma to continue)
Emma:(still rolling on the floor laughing)watch till the end! Peanut is the funniest thing u will ever see!!!!(can't breath, laughing too hard, can't see, crying because she's laughing too hard, can't talk cause... well you know)
link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPJ-RyiDdik

Emma:(lmao again) go to the link below and watch the bloopers!!!(falls on the floor laughing) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t8QKX6gTTU